House of Eve – Book Review

House of Eve – Book Review

Cover House of Eve

The House of Eve by Sadeqa Johnson

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The House of Eve follows 2 different young African American women in their quest for education. One lives in North Philly and the other is on the campus of Howard University in DC. Both fall in love and have to navigate the experiences that come with that.

The book explores big themes inlcuding racism, colorism, classism, education, inter-racial relationships, and unplanned pregnancies.

I was captivated by both of these womens’ stories and wanted to see how they would unfold. As the story went along it lost some of its punch and began to feel a bit flat. Eleanor, in particular, began to feel a bit melodramatic in parts.

The ending was quite unsatisfying. It felt rushed and abrupt and I wondered if the author was leaving room for a sequel.

Overall, I enjoyed this quick glimpse into the lives of Black women in the 1950s fighting for their education.

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