My Mother’s Lies – Book Review

My Mother’s Lies – Book Review

Cover My Mother's Lies

Synopsis – My Mother’s Lies

She’s been lying my whole life…

As if my mum breaking her hip and being rushed to hospital isn’t shocking enough for one day, now in her post-operative delirium, she’s just told me I’m not her daughter. That she has never been able to have children.

The nurse reassures me that people are often confused after a trauma. But I know this woman so well and I can tell there’s a grain of truth in what she says. Which begs the questions: Who am I? Where did I come from?

When I dig into the truth, I suddenly stir up a hornet’s nest of secrets, lies – and possibly a crime so unfathomable – that stretches back decades.

What has my mum done?

Can I trust her?

Or has my digging put us both in peril of our lives?

Diane Saxon’s new, absorbing thriller explores deceit, love, loyalty and family ties.

Author Bio

Diane Saxon previously wrote romantic fiction for the US market but has now turned to writing psychological crime. Find Her Alive was her first novel in this genre and introduced series character DS Jemma Morgan. She is married to a retired policeman and lives in Shropshire.

Author Diane Saxon

My Review

My Mother’s Lies by Diane Saxon

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

3.5 stars

My Mother’s Lies is an interesting psychological thriller. The book is told from 2 points of view, mother and daughter and 2 timelines. I found the timeline going back into the mother’s past to be the more engaging and interesting of the two.

At time I found the story to move a bit slowly. Especially in the beginning in the daughter’s timeline. However, the story did get to a point where both perspectives converged and the outcome was satisfying.

Part of the story felt like filler and didn’t feel needed, it made the book feel longer than it needed to be. There were a few story lines that were tangentially related but not fully resolved by the end. They didn’t change the outcome of the story but so much time was spent on them that having that cleared up would have enhanced the story, for me.

Overall, if you are a lover of thrillers, you should definitely give My Mother’s Lies a try.

Thanks for Netgalley and Boldwood Books for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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