My Perfect Husband – Book Review

My Perfect Husband – Book Review

My Perfect Husband by Georgina Cross

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

The premise of My Perfect Husband is a good one and the book started out quite interesting. Both main characters met in a grief group because they had missing siblings, fell in love and got married. Then when the missing sister is found dead, 12 years later, she has a picture in her pocket of her sister’s husband.

From that point the book was steadily downhill for me. I did not find either character to be likeable and there seemed to be lots on unnecessary description. The storyline dragged until about the 80% mark. The twists didn’t make sense to me, and I was left going “huh” rather than feeling surprised. And the end was a cliffhanger of sorts which I do not like.

The characters’ behavior in the second half of the book didn’t seem to follow with the first half and none of their actions made sense to me.

Overall, I can see how this book could appeal to some people. It just did not work for me but if you are a fan of this genre, I wouldn’t discourage anyone from checking it out for themselves.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Cover of My Perfect Husband

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